In this article we will use a human readable URL instead of id’s , so instead of having an awful url like http://localhost:3000/articles/114 wouldn’t http://localhost:3000/articles/114-creating-slug-urls-in-rails-without-gems be better ? So
First add slug to the table
> rails generate migration AddSlugToArticles slug:string
run the migration
> rake db:migrate
Next create a method to generate the slug
#app/model/article.rbclass Article < ApplicationRecord privatedef set_slug
self.slug = title.to_s.parameterize
The parameterize method replace the special characters with hyphens
> "Creating slug URLs in Rails without gems".to_s.parameterize
=> "creating-slug-urls-in-rails-without-gems"
Then ensure that set_slug is called in create and update by adding
#app/model/article.rbclass Article < ApplicationRecord
after_validation :set_slug, only: [:create, :update]
If you already have created records you can run this commands
> articles = Article.all
> articles.each do |article|
article.update(slug: article.title.parameterize)
Finally override Rails default to_param method
To generate the slug we should force Rails to use both slug and ids instead of just the ids by overwriting the to_param method
#app/model/article.rbclass Article < ApplicationRecord
after_validation :set_slug, only: [:create, :update]def to_param
Note : We used the id with the slug in order to have a better performance because the id column are normally unique and indexed .
Now we can find the record just by id and have a beautiful url, that’s work because in rails find_by_id call to_i method and ruby only casts all numeric characters
> "114-creating-slug-urls-in-rails-without-gems".to_i
=> 114
if you want to clean your URLs, without hitting the performance, this strategy will work for you.